Monday, 30 December 2013


Wendy Clarke has very kindly included me – linked me, if you will – to the blog chain thingy - and here are the questions that I have to answer.

What am I currently working on?
 I confess to pausing from writing for three whole days over Christmas, but I’m now writing a summer story. There’s nothing like planning ahead.

How does my work differ from others in its genre?
At the moment, I don’t think I write in a specific genre. Well I certainly don’t for short stories.  That’s why I absolutely love writing for women’s magazine.  It’s an opportunity to explore so many genres – and have such fun doing so.   I’ve sold ghost stories, love stories, twist in the tales, the odd murder mystery– and I even sold a science fiction story to one magazine.   Although, obviously the magazines have different requirements:- The People’s Friend, for example, wouldn’t accept a ghost a story.  

Novel-wise, genre is my fall down.  I’m the first to admit that I’ve jumbled genres in my novels - and I’m sure it puts agents/publishers off as they can't successfully market it.   In 2014 I hope to put this right!

Why do I write what I do?
See above J

How does my writing process work?
Sometimes I’m VERY lucky, and a story will come to me almost fully formed – and oddly, they seem to be the ones that sell quickly.   Other times, a story will need a thousand re-writes – and I often feel like throwing my pens out of the pram - but I’m lucky to have a wonderfully supportive writer friend who always picks up my metaphoric pens for me  – and I’m also part of a super critiquing group.  I would definitely recommend both.

I tend to set myself goals and deadlines - a chapter a week – a story a fortnight, that kind of thing.


The lovely person who will be the next link in the blog chain thingy is Karen Clarke who will be posting their answers to these questions on 6th January.   

Karen Clarke has had over 200 short stories sold to magazines. Her novel My Future Husband was published by Random House/Goldmann in Germany and Put a Spell on You will be published by Constable & Robinson in 2014 as part of a 3 book deal.


Finally I would like to wish you all a VERY happy and healthy 2014!  (When I will be blogging much more often – obviously)